When is this day going to end? I was sitting in my last class, wildcat time, waiting for the bell to ring. There was still 5 minutes left. I tried to read a book but I could not focus. I closed my eyes and waited.

RRRIINGGG! I raced out of the class room and down the hall, through the lunch room, and into the gym. “Move it people!” I shouted and pushed my way through the horde of students. Here it is, the moment of truth, I close my eyes and pray. Looking down the board I searched for my name. Where is my name? Please tell me I made it. YEESSS!!! I was cheering for myself and I was so happy, I knew I was going to make it.

I opened the door to my house and zoomed to my mom to tell her the great news. She hugged me and said ” I never doubted, even for a second.” Looking back at this experience, I realized that you should never doubt yourself if you truly believe you will do something great.