How I Describe Myself
By: Robert Rousseau

I am from under the covers
from syrup and pancakes

I am from the bright sun shining through the windows

I am from the mud on the driveway

I am from hot chocolate and cheesy movies
from macy and major, my childhood dogs

I am from tracking mud through the house and spilling milk
and from stubbing toes on the old couch

I’m from goodnight and sleep tight
and don’t let the bed bugs bite!

I am from late night walks with my family

I’m from heaven on Earth
and smores on a cold night

From stories around the camp fire about pirates conquering the sea
and spooky creatures in the dark forests

I’m from hello’s and goodbye’s when family members leave and arrive

I’m from things a hate and things I love
from each of these things shows one way to describe me